אױב דו האָסט אַ "מאַק" קענסטוּ איצט ניצן רעפֿױל פֿינקעלס שרײַבערקע אױפֿן בלאָג! אָבער, אױב דו האָסט אַ "פּ.ק" נאָך ניט קענסטו
!אבער באַלד
! אַ דאַנק רעפֿױל
If you have a Mac you may have noticed the awesome fact that Refoyl Finkel's שרײַבערקhas been slightly modified (in size) and is now availble on the sidebar of this blog. No excuse for writing in transliteration anymore! Thank's to Refoyl for sending me the שרײַבערקע html code and dealing with my annoying troubleshooting questions. If you have a pc (like me) you are not able to work the שרײַבערקע yet. I sent an email to Refoyl, and I hope to resolve this issue sooner than later.