הײַנט און נעכטן בין איך געגאַנגן שפּאַצירן מיט מײַן חבֿר אין סאַן פֿראַנסיסקאָ. האָבן מיר געשריבן מיט קרײַד און (מיר) מיט קרינק פֿעדער אַרום דער שטאָט. אין ייִדיש איך האָב געשריבן "אָבאַמאַ האָט ליב פֿאַר קאַפּיטאַליזם", "שרײַבט און פֿאַרשרײַבט", "ענגליש איז שלעכט, העברעיִש איז אַלט, ייִדיש איז מײַן", און אַױך מיר זײַנען דאָ
6 months ago
One grammatical comment-- geyen (pp gegangn) takes zayn. It's one of those verbs of motion and being. thus, ikh bin gegangn. you just have to memorize them.
!אַ דאַנק
un farges oykh nisht az der verb af yidish kumt in dem tsveytn ort. dos heyst : nekhtn bin ikh gegangen shpatsirn..
ven du dertseylst ober a mayse megst yo onheybn a zats mitn verb : nekhtn bin ikh gegangen shpatsirn. hob ikh ongeshribn...
!אַ דאַנק
This brings up an interesting issue. I think it's great that you're immersing yourself in Yiddish right off the bat- writing blogposts in Yiddish, etc. But, that means you're learning as you go. (I think you're also using refoyl's shrayb mashinke, which is problematic because it means all your hebrew is spelled wrong.)
So, how much guidance do you want before we (I) become totally obnoxious?? I don't want to be the annoying grammar cop who marks up your blogposts, because I don't think that's the reason you're posting. Or maybe it is? I'd be curious to know what you're thinking about this....
I need help with grammar, thats a fact. I thank you and anshl for helping me out with that. In the same breath, i wouldnt mind a little feedback on the actual post itself; that is, assuming there is feedback to be given. Dont feel like you need to qualify a grammar correction with feedback on the post, but it would be appreciated.
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