אין בורמאַ װױנען צװאַנציק ייִדן
דער גלות איז זײער צעװאָרפֿענע
באַפֿרײַ די בורמיש פֿעלקער, און אַלע מענטשן
5 months ago
אין בורמאַ װױנען צװאַנציק ייִדן
דער גלות איז זײער צעװאָרפֿענע
באַפֿרײַ די בורמיש פֿעלקער, און אַלע מענטשן
yeah, if they took that picture like two seconds earlier you would have had something eerily similar to that picture from Vietnam of a US soilder about to blow a a guy's head open (you know what im talking about)...
People say that Africa gets whitewashed as far as people's attention, but I feel (based on the way i read news) that South-east asia really gets shafted as far as people giving a shit.
yea. it seems like africas more of something we can do something about but we dont. what can we possibly do in asia the leaders are obviously nuts
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